Сообщество пользователей OS/2

Сообщество пользователей OS/2

Operating systems:
ArcaOS, eComStation, IBM OS/2 Warp
User community OS/2 

User groups  
Blonde Guy

Reformat Утилита для форматирования USB флешек, USB винчестеров (для совместимости с OS/2)




This site is aimed to create the community of eComStation users!

  • Conferences - list of conferences, links to reports
  • Interviews - people which influence on the community
  • User Groups - join the local User group
  • Forums - chat with other users

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The Community consists of:

  • developers
  • students
  • users
  • fans (zealots)
  • managers
  • resellers of eComStation software (small investors)
  • businessmen (investors)




(C) OS2.GURU 2001-2024