НОВОЕ: OS/2 GURU - Вопросы и ответы

Reviews / articles about OS/2

Operating systems:
ArcaOS, eComStation, IBM OS/2 Warp
eComStation myths 





Upgrade ArcaOS to NeoWPS level

  • Install original PNG icons drawed by designer, specialized at OS/2 adornation.
  • Install eSchemes 2018 to change colors and buttons on desktop.

A way to Plug'n'Play

TITLE: A way to Plug'n'Play

DATE: 2001-09-10 18:24:22

AUTHOR: Дмитрий Поляков
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. OS/2 . ............ . 1998 ...., .... ............... ..... BBS LimeLight station, ....... ....... ... ....... .... . ..... ....... ...... ......, .... .. .. ... ......., OS/2 .. ... ... ........ .. ... .... ...... ... ..... ............ ........ ... BeOS, Linux, QNX . .... . .. ..... .... ...... ......... ........ ............ ..........., .......... ... .... ......., ...... ... ZOC ... . ......., Lotus SmartSuite. ... ........., ........ . .......... .... .... .... ... . ...... ............. . ...... ......., . ..... ............. ....... ... ..... ........ ..... (. .. ..... ... .... Gravis Ultrasound PnP Pro), ... .. ....... ... .... ........... ........ ...... ..... ......... ............, . .......-.. ......., ... ........... .......... ......... ..... .. ......... ... ......... minstall. .......... .. ..... .... ....... ..... PnP . ........ ........ ..... .. .. ...... . OS/2 .. ........ ....., .... ...... ....... . ...... ..... . MS Windows. . Windows ........ ..... .. ............ ... ....... ........ ... ... ........ ..., ... . OS/2 . .......... .... ...... . ... ... .......... .......... ..... ....., .. . ........ . .......... .... .. .... ......., ........ ..... ... .. SDD. .... ..... ........... ...... ....... .. ..... ............., ...... ........ ... OS/2 ..... .. ......... (... ..... . ...........), .. . .......... SDD ........ ......... ... .............. ........ ........, .... ......., ... . .......... . Windows ....... ...... ... ., ........ ...... ... .. ...... ... .........., ... . ........., ... . . ....... .. .... ..... ...... ... "......... ........ OS/2" .. ... ...... ..... ........... ..... .. ....... ........... ........., ... ... ....... . Windows, .. .......... ...... API OS/2, ............ . ....... ... ......... ..... . ........ ... ..... .. ...... ...., ... ..... ........... Plug'n'Play . OS/2 . .... ... .. ...... ... ........... - ...... .......... . ....., ... ...... .... ..... .......... ..... .........

.... . Plug'n'Play

........, ... ......., ............... ... ........., ....... .......... . ..... ISA . PCI. ... ......... ...... . ........ ......... .. .... ..... .......... ......... ........ ... ...... ......... .. ........ ... .............. .......... ......... ........... .... ...... ............ ............... ......... ..... ............ . .......... ...... ... .... PCI ......... ....... .... . OS/2 ... ..... ... ..... . ..... pddref.inf .. DDK (...... Generic IOCtl Commands \ Category 80h OEMHLP IOCtls) ....... ....... ... ...... . PCI, . ... ..... . ..... ......... .. ..... ..... ...... ..... ........ . ....... .......... BIOS 1Ah, ....... . OS/2 ......... ... ......... (..... ... . VDM, .. ... .. ....), . ..... ... ..... .......:

  if (inp($CF8)=0) and (inp($CFA)=0) then PCItype:=2
  else begin
    if inpl($CF8)=$80000000 then PCItype:=1;
  case PCItype of
    1:begin   .PCI type 1.
        for i:=0 to 511 do
          if ((tmp and $FFFF)<>$FFFF) and ((tmp shr 16)<>$FFFF) then
            ._PCI Device: Vendor: (l and $FFFF)  Device: (l shr 16)_.
    2:begin   .PCI type 2.
        outp($CFA,0);   .Bus select?.
        for i:=0 to 15 do
          tmp:=inpl(i*256 +$C000);
          if ((tmp and $FFFF)<>$FFFF) and ((tmp shr 16)<>$FFFF) then
            ._PCI Device: Vendor: (l and $FFFF)  Device: (l shr 16)_.

. ..... ISA ........ ......... ........ ..... .... ........... ....... . OS/2 . . ......... .. ...... .. ...... ISA/PnP .... ............ .. Microsoft, ..... ...... ..... .. ...... ftp://ftp.microsoft.com/developr/drg/Plug-and-Play/Pnpspecs. ...... ...... - ... ............ PnP BIOS. .. ... ......... ......... ........ - ... 16-. ...... . ......... .... ....... .......... .. ......, ... ... ........., ... ........ ..... .. ..... ... ... ........ ......... .. ............ .. Microsoft.

......, . ..., ..... ....... ............ Plug'n'Play ..... ......... .. .......... ......: http://members.hyperlink.net.au/~chart. ... .. .... . ........., ...... ... DOS.

... ... ........... . OS/2

..... ........ ...... ... Presentation Manager, ....... ... ........ ...... PM ..... .......... ....... (......., .......... .... ..... ........), .. ....... ...... ......... . ....... ... . ........... .......... ........ ........ .... .. (......) .. ........., .. ......., ..... ..... .......... . ... .......... . ............ . .... ........ ............. .. ... .... ......... ..... .. ............ ....... ......., . ...... ..... . .... ......... ... ....... ........., ......... ........, .. . .... ............ ... ....... - ... .., ... ... ..... ........ . VDM. ... . ... ....... ........ - ..... ... ......... . ..... ..... .. ....... Windows . ..... .. ...... ............. .......... .inf-.....

P.S. ......, ... ... ... ...... ... ...-.. ............ ... ........ . eComStation ...... .. .. .......? ...... .....

.....: ....... .......

Test the program:

ThirdEye - utility aimed to download photos from digital still cameras attached via COM-port


Alex G.
2001-09-10 19:06:08

. ....? iSA ... .. ...... .... ..... ..... ........ USB support . ... - ..... ..... ..........

Yuri Prokushev
2001-09-11 10:24:02

.... .... ......... - .... ......... ........... ......... - ... ....... .., ..... .. .... . ...... ... ......?

2001-09-11 11:28:02

... ...... ?

1. ..... . ............. ... ......... ..........
2. ......... ....... . URL'.. .........

....... .. .......
2001-09-11 16:05:46

1. Int1A ".......". Intel'... "....... ................ ........ ........". ... .. (Intel'.) .............
2. "rmview /da". ...., ........, ... . OS/2? ............ ".......... ..... .........."? ". ..." (c).
3. . ..... PnP nonPnP-aware ....... ....... .... ........ ... ..... ...... ".........." ........?

2001-09-11 16:18:21

.... .... .. .... . ........ ... .. rmview ... .... .. ........., . ..... .... .. ......... .........
.......... .. ...... ..... ..... ... .. rmview,

....... .. .......
2001-09-11 18:47:42

"....... ......... ........." ........... . ............ device/basedev . CONFIG.SYS.
.... .. ....... "...... ..." ....... - .... DDINSTALL.
...... . ...... - ... ..... PnP-aware ........?

2002-02-23 14:10:53

For Plug and Play one needs

(1.)Plug and Play bios, P&P OS, and P&P Hardware

(2.)Hardware Tree: Built by BUS enumerators. RAM record of all devices on system

(3.)Bus Enumerator: Driver based on BUS (i.e. SCSI, IDE). Allows unique and constant ID of each device on system

(4.)An auto-detection which BUS enumerators are in effect

(5.)Hardware tree is displayed as the device manager (stored in hkey_local_machine)

(6.)Plug and Play OS requires: Configuration Mgr., Hardware Tree, BUS Enumerator, Resource Arbitrators

(7.)Plug and Play Device drivers must: Register with configuration mgr., wait for resources (device) before becoming active, and respond to dynamic config (not jumper-laden)

(8.)P&P finds legacy cards by checking specific I/O ports and memory addresses.

(9.)Legacy cards can only be found by setup and "Add New Hardware"

This should be a model for development...

2002-02-23 14:22:18

Updating ESCD...About Plug n Pray

see: [url]

with some detailed advices

2002-02-23 15:00:30

A tool for PCI hardware recognition:

PCI044VK.ZIP 300K 2-22-02

A PCI & AGP bus sniffer v0.44.vk with recognition of hardware types. PCI.EXE and CHKPCI.EXE are command line

programs with VIO output(Jan., 5th 2002)

One can download it from [url]

If one has no registration one can download free with telnet

See the direct call for a telnet session on the site

eComStation it's a reactive system, comfortable to use. 'Pre-emptive' multitasking + support of multi-processor/multi-core computers since 1994 + major part of programs are using Multi-threading.



(C) OS2.GURU 2001-2021