НОВОЕ: OS/2 GURU - Вопросы и ответы

Reviews / articles about OS/2

Operating systems:
ArcaOS, eComStation, IBM OS/2 Warp
eComStation myths 





Upgrade ArcaOS to NeoWPS level

  • Install original PNG icons drawed by designer, specialized at OS/2 adornation.
  • Install eSchemes 2018 to change colors and buttons on desktop.

Update your OS/2 installation CD-ROM with fixpaks and updates

TITLE: Update your OS/2 installation CD-ROM with fixpaks and updates

DATE: 2001-10-03 20:44:38

AUTHOR: Viktor I. Kovshik
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..p.......... ... ...... ...y........ ... ..p.... ....p..... ..p..... ..... readme.eng .p..p.... UpdCD. ...... .p..p.... .p........... ... ............ ............ ................ .......-..... OS/2, . ... ..... . ...py........

H. ........y ...y........ . .p..p.... ........ ........ ...p.... . ......... (.... . .. .......... .....), .. .... p..... ....... .p..... ....p .. p..... . .p..p..... UpdCD, ....... ......p.. ...... ........

...., ... ........ ...py....... ............ .......-..... OS/2 ... ...p..y....:

  1. ...........y. ...p......y. ......y OS/2 (Warp 3, 4, WseB)
  2. ..... 1 Gb .......... ..... .. ....... .....;
  3. ...y .p..p...y UpdCD (.. ...... ......... ...... .. ..... ....p. ....y... ..p... 1.5, .. ....p ......... .. ..........)
  4. Burn-.p..p...y (....p UpdCD p.......y.. CDRecord/2)
  5. ............... .p..p.... ... p..... . y....... ....p.... (ASPI Router Version 1.01, .... aspir101.zip, ..p.... .. ........; Super Virtual Disk driver V1.20 for OS/2 2.1+, .... svd120.zip; ConfigTool 1.0.0 ... y...... ....p.... config.sys'a, .... cfgtool100.zip)
  6. . ..... .............. (p............) ....p. ....-..... . .........., ....p.. .....py.... .....p.p..... . ........... .......-.....

. UpdCD ..p... 1.5 .....p........ ....y.... ..........:

(Before you can refresh an installation CD-ROM you should download and prepare
the components you wish to incorporate. The following components were tested
with UpdCD)

Warp 4:
- Obligatory components:
  Base Fixpak 12/13/14/15, Device Driver Fixpak 1/2, Feature Installer 1.25,
  Netscape 4.61, Java 1.1.7/1.1.8 run-time
- Optional components:
  MPTS fixpak 8424/8425/8620/8621, PEER fixpak 8402/8406/8412/8413/8414,
  TCP/IP fixpak 0980/2001, JAVA 1.1.8 run-time fix, printer fixes
  (laserjet*.exe, omni*.exe, pscript*.exe, plotters*.exe), MPTS update
  8423/8610, TCP/IP update 4.1/4.2/4.3, Java update 1.1.8/1.3 (run-time,
  toolkit, samples, etc.), Netware Requester 2.12, the updated IBM
  installation diskettes and PMFax Lite 3.2.

Integrating other JAVA fixes than the run-time fix is not supported at this
time. All of the printer drives fixes should be expanded in the same

Warp 3 (preliminary support):
- Obligatory components:
  Base Fixpak 38/43, Device Driver Fixpak 2
- Optional components:
  MPTS fixpak 8424/8425/8620/8621, TCP/IP fixpak 0959+0980, MPTS
  update 8423/8610

Warp Server SMP is not supported. Older base fixpaks (like 29) seems
not to work.

- Obligatory components:
  Base Fixpak 1/2, Device Driver Fixpak 2, Netscape 4.61
- Optional components:
  MPTS fixpak 8621, MPTS update 8700, TCP/IP update 4.3

.p. ....p. ........... .p..y.... ....y.. ..p..... ........ .. .., ..... ... ....... .......... ... .......... (Warp 4, ...p...p) .... ..........y..... .py. .py.y. H..p...p, .p. y........ .......... 16-p..p...... MPTS fixpak, .......... . ......... .......... y............ 16-p..p..... (TCP/IP fixpak), . .............., .p. y........ 32-p..p..... .......... ..... .p. ........... . ............ .......-..... ....... .y... p....... ..y.........

.............. .....p.py.... ..........:

(Add-On products supported by UpdCD)

Scitech Display Doctor
Advanced Mouse (AMouse)
SMP support
DANI filter drivers
DANI IDE drivers
FAT32 drivers
EMX run-time
USB support
LVM and JFS support
UDF (DVD) File System
HPFS386 File System
WarpIn installer
Netscape Plug-in Pack
Bamba player
Flash plug-in
Adobe Acrobat Reader for OS/2
Norton Antivirus for OS/2
File Commander/2
OS/2 Commander
Object Desktop 2.0
XFree86 for OS/2

....y.. .p..y ........, ... y............ .....p...... .....p..y FAT32 . LVM .. .. Warp 3 ... 4 ......, ... .p...... . ...... ......... ........

....p.. .... ...... .p......... .......... OS/2 Warp 4 Russian ("..p......" ....) . y......... ............... 14 ....-..... .............. .......... .....p.p....... ..-p.....y, ... . 16-.., ... . . 32-p..p..... ..p..... .............

........... . ....p.... UpdCD .p..... .. ......... .... ... .p..p.... y.......... .p......., .. ..... ....... 4-. (!) ...... . ..p......... .................. ..p.. ..p......... ....p.... .p..... .. ...y.... ........... ...py...... .......-.... .. ..... .....p.p........ . ......y ............ . ............. ;-)

H........ ......... .. ............... .p..p......

..... ........... Super Virtual Disk driver . ..... config.sys ..... ........ ...... ...y. ..p..y:

DEVICE=....:\..p....p..\SVDISK\SVDISK.SYS 2880

..... . ....p...y .y... .p....... ..p.. ..-... ....p.... .p..p..... ..p.. ....... ........ ............ ..p... .y.y.... .......-..... .........., ...y.... ....p.... Super Virtual Disk, . ..... .....y "Insert", "........" ..p.y....y. ......y p....p.. 1,44 ... ... .y... ..y.... ... ..p...... .p...p........ ..p.... ...py...... ....... (..... ........ . ... ..p.y....... ....., .. ..... .p..p.... .y... p....... ..p.. p.....y. ......y, . ... ........... ......... ........ ..p... .......-.....)

..... ........ ..p... CD (. ........ BURN .p..p.... UpdCD), ..p.. ....... .p..... ...py....... CD ..p.y....y. ......y ....y.. ".......", ., y....... .. p....p .. 2,88 .. (. ....... .. - ....p..... SVD), ..... "........". ....p. .. ... .y... .......... ...py...... ..p.. CD, .. p....py p..... 2-. ......... .p..p...y Super Virtual Disk ....y.. ............ ..p... .. ...p.. ..p... 1.18 (. ..p... 1.17 .... ......... ....pp..... ....... .p....yp. p....p. ..p.y....... ....., . p..y...... .... .p..p.... UpdCD ....p.. ............ . ... p.......).

... y....... ....p.... ........... ........... ....... (... p..... . ............ CDROM-..) ..... ....... ..p............ .... .p..p.... ConfigTool (...y... ..p... 1.0.0). ..... ...., ... ... ........p....., .......... ...y..... .. ....p.... (..... .....y ". .....p......"), . y......, ... . ....... .......y.... ...y... CDROM. ....., ..... .p...p.. ......., .p..p.... ConfigTool ...... . p...... "Tips" ..........y.... p........... .. .......... . ....p......

. .......... ........ .. ........ ... ...y, ........y., .. .y........y. ..p.....y.

.... .. (... ....p .... ......) .......... OS/2 . py..... ....p......, . y............. py......p....... ....-... (5,9,14), .. .......... . ..... go4it.cmd .p..p.... UpdCD (... go4it3.cmd) ..... ....y.... ....:

        when lang = 'XR0' then lang = 'EN (English)'
        when lang = 'XRG' then lang = 'DE (German)'
        when lang = 'XRN' then lang = 'NO (Norwegian)'
        when lang = 'XRV' then lang = 'TW (Thai)'
        when lang = 'XRF' then lang = 'FR (French)'
        when lang = 'XRI' then lang = 'IT (Italian)'
        when lang = 'XRJ' then lang = 'JP (Japanese)'
        when lang = 'XRK' then lang = 'KO (Korean)'
        when lang = 'XRB' then lang = 'BR (Brazilian)'
        when lang = 'XRC' then lang = 'CN (Chinese)'
        when lang = 'XRS' then lang = 'ES (Spanish)'
        when lang = 'XRD' then lang = 'DK (Danish)'
        when lang = 'XRL' then lang = 'FI (Finnish)'
        when lang = 'XRH' then lang = 'NL (Dutch)'
        otherwise lang = 'EN (Using default)'

. ......... ... ....y.... ..p.... (.........., ..p... . .....):

     when lang = 'XRR' then lang = 'RU (Russian)'

..... ..... .p..p.... UpdCD .y... .p....... ....p.p...p..... ......y. ..p....y py........... .......... . ........

Test the program:

Central Remote Control - forward commands to multimedia applications


If eComStation PC doesn't work properly (USB troubles / network is slow / can't run with 2 CPUs / applications crash) then make some efforts, analyze the problems and setup the system. eCSFAQ Frequently asked questions and answers



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