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OS2.GURU - Drivers for USB-devices [[ header START ]]
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Drivers for USB-devices

  Date: 2006-10-12 16:41:06
Correspondent: Eugene Gorbunoff

We are gathering information which drivers or control applications do you use with your USB devices.

Attach flash-disk to PC, run USBRES.EXE (Programs->Utilities->USB Resource manager), open detailed report (right mouse button),

  • find VendorID, ProductID, Device Release;
  • remember the name of device (it is written on device or box);
  • find the class of device in Interface x: Class, SubClass, Protocol
  • which driver of control application do you use with the USB-device? (URL)
  • inform us if USBRES crashed;

Attach other USB devices and collect the same information.

Gather ID, name of device and driver, pack to .ziqq (zip) and send all report to e-mail: support at ecomstation dot


Juergen Ulbts
2006-10-12 18:33:42

Hi Eugene!

I've got one of the new Logitech Webcams here (QuickCam Pro 5000), which use the USB Video Class "Standard" and no longer the proprietary Philips stuff.

That one does crash the whole system when I try to get the data of it by running USBRES.

The crash is in USBD.SYS!

I would like to know if other have had this problem.

Everything interesting (incl. the USB-ID) is in the eComStation bugtracker:


We need an USB Bug Section over there I think!

Kind regards,

Juergen Ulbts (Germany)

Eugene Gorbunoff
2006-10-12 19:20:33

OK, we found your bug-report, that's why we published this message ^.

Larin Yury
2006-10-13 11:21:24

. ..... ..... ........ .. ..... ..... ... .........., .. .... ..... ... .......... ............? ... .. ..... ..... ..... .... ...............

Robert Lalla
2006-10-13 12:30:15

Hi Juergen,

I have an older generation Logitech webcam (4000 model) based on the Philips USB1.1 chipset. Basically it works fine with WarpVision, in case I connect it directly to the computer ot through an USB1.1 hub.

But in case I connect it through an USB2 hub, the system will hang. In that case the data stream will be handled by the USB2 (EHCI) drivers instead of the USB1.1 (UHCI) drivers. I suspect that isochronous USB transfers over USB2 needed for latest cameras and soundcards are completely untested and have never been debugged on OS/2.

Juergen Ulbts
2006-10-13 16:45:10

Hi Robert,

I've connected the device directly to my computer (tested several ports) + my IBM TP X31 and also tested it with an USB2.0 Hub.

Everything showed the same behaviour --> Crash in USBD.SYS

I had also opened a thread at (german) before I added the Bugreport for eCS 1.2:


I've also tried the LogiTech QuickCam STX PLUS (USB ID: 046d:08ad) a friend recently bought.

This one is not using the USB "Video Class" protocol. It uses on Linux the module "spca5xx".

The output from the USB Resource Manager is available here: [url]

I don't know if the isochronous USB transfer is responsible but this may be the problem.

Maybe I should just update the libusb stuff (the header file) a little bit, so it knows the latest USB classes (Video Class,...) and compile + execute the demo application just to see what happens.

Kind regards,

Juergen Ulbts

2006-10-24 18:27:48

Hi Juergen,

the reason is very simple:

Logitech webcam QuickCam Pro 5000 have a device report longer (1366) then current USBD can handle (1024), so requesting device report break some USBD internal data. I asked Eugene Gorbunoff to report this bug to IBM, but real chance, they fix it, is too low. If you wish I can send you my USBD build, where I increased the device report storage size. It was built from the latest available DDK sources, which is dated to year 2004.

In any case you can't really use this device before I finish my webcam project or somebody else will do(?).

The development is slow, as there is no any support and interest from OS/2 comminity.

Best regards.


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