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eCo Labs - New 7 tasks for developer

  Date: 2009-05-26 02:25:08
Correspondent: Eugene Gorbunoff

eCo Software is obligated to fulfil the obligations and deliver improved shareware products. One of the methods - create additional modules and utilities to enforce main projects.

eCo Labs is a fund to attract new developers to eComStation. We are trying to share the income with standalone developers; stimulate the development of new PM-controls and libraries. Moreover, we are going update the portal for developers and enrich it with links and libraries.

To improve quality of eCo Software products, to accumulate templates for new software we published more than 100 tasks.


Dani V
2009-05-27 20:37:42

Esta es una buena noticia, creo que es muy importante para los desarrolladores como yo.

Soy programador y estoy buscando un sistema de desarrollo de 2 meses atr.s.

No s. d.nde empezar a la programaci.n, creo que el desarrollo de un IDE integrado que es la mejor cosa importante que debemos hacer por eComStation.

I was about to throw in the towel for lack of a unified tool to make sure I'm not wasting time.

We need to open an IDE in which we all work on the same line. So get making useful software for users and relaunch eConstation. Otherwise only invested time in making it work comstation.

Dani V
2009-05-27 20:41:04

Sorry, all in english:

This is good news, I think it is very important for developers like me.

I am a programmer and I am looking for a development system 2 months ago.

I do not know where to start programming, I believe that the development of an integrated IDE that is the best thing we should do for eComStation.

I was about to throw in the towel for lack of a unified tool to make sure I'm not wasting time.

We need to open an IDE in which we all work on the same line. So get making useful software for users and relaunch eConstation. Otherwise only invested time in making it work comstation.

Test the program:

WarpOverlay! - video-overlay for video adapters, which were manufactured before 2006

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Warning: Creating default object from empty value in /var/www/html/nojunk.phpi on line 62


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